Monday, October 26, 2009

Dog Fences For Your Companion By Kelly Marshall

Kelly Marshall

Depending on where you live, a dog fence may be mandatory, and it is always a great idea. You may feel at first with a puppy that you are restricting their movements and making them unhappy, but in reality, you are keeping them safe. You will see as a dog owner that your first responsibility is going to be keeping your dog safe. Dogs that do not have proper fencing or that are not on a leash can get into trouble.

A car or animal that is going by may harm your dog and cause you more pain in the end. Therefore, you should construct the proper fencing for your dog. You should also be aware of the weather. Your dog will need some form of shelter for rain, cold weather or even hot weather so keep this in mind when you are forming the fenced in backyard or tying them to a runner.

Building an Enclosure

In order to build an enclosure you have to understand your dog. Some dogs have the ability to escape by digging or jumping over the fence. If you have a large dog, you will need plenty of backyard and a higher fence. You should also make sure to bury the fencing into the earth to make it more difficult to dig through when you have a smaller dog. You also need to know how you plan to use the fence.

If you are just going to use the fence for when you are home, then you probably do not need something to extravagant. On the other hand, if you are using it for a daily basis rather than keeping your dog cooped up while you are at work you should have something that will really keep them secure while providing them with plenty of space to play.

You might feel horrible for keeping your dog inside a fence all day, but remember it is for their safety. Training your dog to stay can be extremely helpful and should be done, but you have to realize instinct can over come the training you have provided your dog in some instances.

Your dog is an important part of the family so offering the best in safety should be your first priority. You would not set your baby outside without a fence and leave them without supervision whether they understand your command to stay in the yard or not. So do not make the mistake with your puppy or dog.

You do not always have to restrict you dog to the fenced in yard when you are home. You can take your dog for walks or let them play in dog parks, but again this is when you are providing supervision for them and allowing them the exercise they need.

Sometimes, indoor fencing is also a good idea for active dogs. You can purchase gates or barriers that can prevent dogs from entering areas of the house that they should not have access to. This can help keep them out of dangerous areas, especially if your dog is a chewer!


Smart, Cost-Effective Marketing Helps Launch Your New Pet Product/Service By Nicoline Lentze

Nicoline Lentze

So you’ve finally done it: your Pet Gizmo works perfectly and you’ve found a company to produce it for you at a reasonable cost. Now all you need is customers.

How do you get enough people to buy your amazing Pet Gizmo so that you can not only recoup your start-up fees, but also make a profit? In fact, it would be even better if you could interest pet stores in stocking the Gizmo. The solution is cost-effective marketing.

You’re just getting started, which means you probably don’t have a huge budget for advertising. The good news is that there are several free or inexpensive options available to you.

Press Releases or news releases are a great way to get the word out about your product or service. These are simply short documents written in a specific format but that may also result in further media coverage for your company, product or service. Many people don’t realize that it costs nothing to submit press release.

A good source on the details of writing a successful press release is Marcia Yudkin’s 6 Steps to Free Publicity. For a reasonable fee, you can have your release distributed for you. Of course if you’re on a tight budget, you can do your own leg-work and access a copy of Bacon’s Newspaper and Magazine Directory from your public library.

The bottom line is that both direct consumers and pet retailers will read about you and the orders will start to roll in.

Create a Website for your Gizmo. Even if you don’t want to market a product or service directly using the Internet, a website can work in your favor. You can buy a domain name and hosting for a very reasonable sum nowadays. Some services also have a create-your-own-website option available. You can provide details about your product and yourself and generally appear organized and efficient. Search engines will index you (or you can submit your information to them) and more people will be able to find out about you.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising is another way to utilize your website to draw additional traffic and interest. If you’ve ever done a search on Google, you’ll probably have seen the column of ads that run down the right-hand column under the heading ‘sponsored links.’ Often there are a couple of them at the top of the page as well. These are pay-per-click ads.

Essentially you can create an advertisement using step-by-step instructions, and you choose keywords that will pull up that ad when people search for them. You agree to pay a small sum each time someone clicks on your ad (called your ‘bid’) – the amounts can range from 10 cents to over a dollar depending on how often a keyword is searched. When people click on your ad, they’re sent to your website and the cost of the keyword that brought up your ad is added to your monthly bill

You need to keep a watchful eye on your campaign to make sure you’re not spending more that your budget allows, but you can program a daily limit to help out with that.

Direct Mail is another way to let people know about your business. You can send out a mailing to an entire geographical area or specifically, for instance, to people who own pets. Sending out postcards, brochures or sales letters to pet retailers is probably the most expensive option mentioned here, however they will certainly get the word out there. And of course you can send out them out in phases as your budget allows. Public libraries are a good source for finding business directories that list pet retailers that you can target.

Take heart: once the word is out there your business will start to grow!


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fake Beagle Breeders By Michelle A Adams

Michelle A Adams

The time has come to bring a little beagle dog into your family and you have decided that you want to deal with a beagle breeder so that you know what you are getting. However, like any other industry, there are fake beagle breeders out there that are trying to scam you. You want to make sure you avoid a fake beagle breeder or else you may get an unhealthy pet that could rack up huge vet bills and cause you and your family to make difficult decisions.

A sure fire way to weed out the fake beagle breeders from the legitimate ones is to ask about free pet insurance for after you bring your beagle home. Legitimate breeders are offered free pet insurance to give to buyers that affords coverage for six weeks after the sale in the hopes that you will extend the insurance after the six weeks is up. If your breeder is not willing to give you signed proof of insurance, or if you check out the insurance and it is not valid, you probably have a fake breeder.

Your relationship, and contact, with your beagle breeder is an ongoing thing that does not stop just because you took the beagle home. A legitimate breeder will be available for any beagle owner to answer questions and offer any advice you may need. If you are having a hard time getting your breeder on the phone, or they won’t answer any questions for you, then the chances are you have a fake breeder.

For first time beagle owners the beagle breeders are an invaluable resource for finding out the correct care and feeding instructions for your new beagle. The legitimate breeders build their business based on their reputation and it is important for them to be helpful. The good breeders will send home samples of food that should be fed to your new beagle so that you know what you are supposed to be feeding your dog. If your breeder is not offering any care or feeding instructions then you probably have a fake breeder.

A reputation for being professional, helpful, knowledgeable, and accessible is everything to the business of a beagle breeder along with providing quality pets. You should always be able to stay in touch with a legitimate breeder and if you find that you cannot keep your beagle later in its life then a good breeder will take the dog back but without giving you a refund for your purchase price. At least you will know that your beagle will be taken care of. A fake breeder will not offer that service.

The National Kennel Club is the standard by which all legitimate breeders adhere to and you should always buy your beagles only from those breeders in good standing with the National Kennel Club. If you find yourself in a position where a fake breeder has scammed you, about all you can do it sue in court for your purchase price refunded. Always use the National Kennel Club to find good breeders in your area.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Cats And Kittens: How Children Can Take Care Of Their Pets By Michael Haydon

Michael Haydon

Owning a new kitten is just about the most exciting time of your family life. Those first few weeks are something special which will live long in your minds. It’s also a great chance to involve your children in learning how to take care of their new pet. It can become a really meaningful bonding time for the entire family. What better way to introduce children to new responsibilities where they learn to become accountable for the smallest member of the family. children can learn to become more reliable and as well, they will appreciate the satisfaction that comes with the added responsibility.

Getting Your Kids Involved in Caring For Your Cats And Kittens

It’s always a good starting point to involve the kids in the selection and naming of your new cat. Just as important is making sure your children understand the range of caring activities that will be involved and to emphasize that they will be responsible, along with the rest of the family, for a living creature not a toy that can be put away. It is a whole new ball game.

Now, it’s not necessarily a difficult task to care for your pet if you really love them. Let’s face it, who doesn’t love their cat? I’ve seen people who say they hate cats simply melt after they’ve spent a few days with our family and go on to buy one for themselves. What I’m saying here is that although the enjoyment you will get from your kitty will have to be balance against the daily tasks of feeding, cleaning up the bowls, refreshing the water and the medical concerns like fleas, heartworm and general grooming and cleaning up cat hair. But, when all is said and done the time you have to allocate to these matters pales into insignificance when you experience the ultimate enjoyment of watching kitty at play and sleeping soundly on your lap.

I have found that kids really respond to the responsibilities when tasks are allocated equally among family members wherever possible. This ensures that tasks are seen as a family responsibility and can be a great learning experience and contribute to the children coming to understand that life’s pleasures are balanced with responsibilities and that is the way life works. If you concentrate only on the jobs that need to be done or leave the “dirty” tasks to only one family member, then it could lead to resentment and then everyone, including kitty, will lose out. Having a balanced approach to pet ownership will have life long benefits when you learn to enjoy your cat and take care of them with love. It’s a life lesson we can all benefit from.


Friday, October 23, 2009

What Makes A Fake Shih Tzu Breeder By Rebecca A Simpson

Rebecca A Simpson

When you decide it is time to bring home a Shih Tzu for you and your family you want to be certain that you are getting the best start you possible can when you start life with your new pet. The best way to insure you get the best dog you can get and a breeder you can trust is to do some research and make sure you get a reputable Shih Tzu breeder. A good breeder makes all the difference in the world, so take your time and make the right choice the first time.

The first thing you can do is check with the National Kennel Club to find a reputable breeder in your area. The National Kennel Club will have a listing of most of the very good breeders near you and also some information about the dogs that breeder offers. There are other breeder registries that you can also look into and check out any potential local breeder you may want to deal with. If they are not listed with a registry then you may want to avoid them.

A good Shih Tzu breeder will be there for long after you take your new puppy home. A good breeder will be available to answer your questions and advice while you are raising your puppy. If you are having a difficult time getting a hold of a particular breeder, or they don’t seem too anxious to answer questions, then you may need to move on to a different breeder before you make a mistake.

Another good sign of a breeder is how helpful they are with your new dog’s diet. A good breeder will offer detailed advice on care and feeding of your new Shih Tzu and they also offer their own personal advice as well, based on their experience. Most breeders will also send you home with a food sample so you know what to get your dog for the future. If you are not getting any of this kind of help from your breeder then you may have a bad breeder.

A reputable Shih Tzu breeder will offer you free pet insurance that will begin as soon as you take ownership of the dog and extend for six weeks. They are given the insurance for free from insurance companies in the hopes that you will see how convenient it is during that first vet appointment and you will extend the coverage. If you are not offered free pet insurance then you are probably not dealing with a reputable breeder.

A good breeder can mean many things to an owner and you should make sure to discuss all of these things prior to investing in a dog from any breeder. A good breeder will also offer to take back the dog, without a refund, at any point in the dog’s life if you can no longer care for it. A good breeder is interested in the health and happiness of the dog and the satisfaction of the family that bought it.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pet Projects By Kaja Gam

Kaja Gam

Even though we like to think of our pets as important and treasured members of our families, we sometimes forget about ways we can include them in our home design and decorating plans.

Thanks to new products and technologies, it has never been easier to incorporate the needs of our four-legged (or in some cases, two-legged and gilled) friends into our home designs.

Fabrics: In addition to fun and whimsical pet-inspired patterns, the growing popularity of outdoor living spaces has led to the development of new moisture-resistant and antimicrobial fabrics that are indistinguishable from traditional indoor fabrics. Whether you choose them to upholster your pieces or use them just as slipcovers, these fabrics are ideal for pet owners who like to share their favorite sofas and chairs with their furry friends. Check out Crypton Super Fabrics to see new fabrics created by photographer William Wegman and architect Michael Graves that appeal to pet-loving families. Perennials Fabrics carries an extensive line of products ranging from contemporary to traditional patterns and has recently teamed up with textile designers Galbraith & Paul® to create an exciting new line of durable and beautiful products.

Flooring Surfaces: If you have a family member (or members) who suffer from allergies and you don't enjoy heavy cleaning on a frequent basis, you should avoid deep pile carpets such as shag rugs. Hard surfaces enable you to control allergens better, but in the past many pet owners shied away from hardwood floors because of concerns about claw and scratch marks. Thanks to a new water-based, low VOC polymer floor finish called 'Traffic' from Bona , pet owners can put those fears to rest and once again enjoy beautiful and easy-to-clean hardwood floors.

Air Quality and Odor Control: Pet owners and non-pet owners alike should consider room or whole- house air purification systems that are attached to the air conditioning unit. These filtering systems, along with a good vacuum with a HEPA filter, can help remove allergens and irritants from your home (and not just pet irritants) thus making the air healthier for everyone. To help control pet odors, make sure you clean up any messes on carpets and fabrics as soon as they occur and use good quality kitty litters with maximum odor absorption capabilities. Yesterday's News® by Purina is made from recycled newspaper and is a good choice. Avoid scented cat litter - the chemicals used can irritate both you and your pet.

Space Planning - Indoors and Out: If you own a large dog or a big bird, you should consider this animal's space needs just as you would consider the space needs of another member of your family. Make sure your most-used living spaces (kitchen, family room, bedrooms) can accommodate your large animal. And regardless of whether your pets are big or small, find ways to integrate your animals’ needs into your daily life by ensuring that pet beds, cages, fish tanks and crawling trees blend with the flow and style of your home. Depending on your style, you might find something appealing at or Try the Lotus Cat Tree or the wicker litter box from or

If your animal enjoys the great outdoors, you may want to consider a pet door for easy access in and out. Make sure your yard offers a cool, shady spot for those occasional (and much needed) cat, rabbit and dog naps and keep it enclosed to keep your special family members safe from traffic and other hazards, including wildlife that may prey on them. An outdoor bird aviary is perfect for milder climates and adds a touch of elegance to your garden.

A Room with a View: Lucky for us humans, many of our pets’ special homes serve as more than just a place for them to hang their hats, so to speak, and can actually accentuate the aesthetics of our homes. The light, color and movement of a beautiful glass tank filled with azure water can reflect surrounding room light and highlight the bright colors of the exotic tropical fish that zip and zag about inside it. The rustic charm of an antique rabbit hutch might be the perfect anchor for a terrace or porch corner. A whimsical bird cage hanging gracefully from the ceiling can add vertical visual interest to a room. As evidenced by the items available through some of the websites listed above, the choices for stylish pet homes have exploded in recent years, so you no longer have to limit your choices to cheap plastic tubes in gaudy colors but can actually choose pet homes that enhance your existing decor.

So as you make plans to redesign or redecorate your home, remember all the warmth and comfort your pets bring to your life and make a commitment to find ways to make them warm and comfortable, too.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pet Projects By Kaja Gam

Kaja Gam

Even though we like to think of our pets as important and treasured members of our families, we sometimes forget about ways we can include them in our home design and decorating plans.

Thanks to new products and technologies, it has never been easier to incorporate the needs of our four-legged (or in some cases, two-legged and gilled) friends into our home designs.

Fabrics: In addition to fun and whimsical pet-inspired patterns, the growing popularity of outdoor living spaces has led to the development of new moisture-resistant and antimicrobial fabrics that are indistinguishable from traditional indoor fabrics. Whether you choose them to upholster your pieces or use them just as slipcovers, these fabrics are ideal for pet owners who like to share their favorite sofas and chairs with their furry friends. Check out Crypton Super Fabrics to see new fabrics created by photographer William Wegman and architect Michael Graves that appeal to pet-loving families. Perennials Fabrics carries an extensive line of products ranging from contemporary to traditional patterns and has recently teamed up with textile designers Galbraith & Paul® to create an exciting new line of durable and beautiful products.

Flooring Surfaces: If you have a family member (or members) who suffer from allergies and you don't enjoy heavy cleaning on a frequent basis, you should avoid deep pile carpets such as shag rugs. Hard surfaces enable you to control allergens better, but in the past many pet owners shied away from hardwood floors because of concerns about claw and scratch marks. Thanks to a new water-based, low VOC polymer floor finish called 'Traffic' from Bona , pet owners can put those fears to rest and once again enjoy beautiful and easy-to-clean hardwood floors.

Air Quality and Odor Control: Pet owners and non-pet owners alike should consider room or whole- house air purification systems that are attached to the air conditioning unit. These filtering systems, along with a good vacuum with a HEPA filter, can help remove allergens and irritants from your home (and not just pet irritants) thus making the air healthier for everyone. To help control pet odors, make sure you clean up any messes on carpets and fabrics as soon as they occur and use good quality kitty litters with maximum odor absorption capabilities. Yesterday's News® by Purina is made from recycled newspaper and is a good choice. Avoid scented cat litter - the chemicals used can irritate both you and your pet.

Space Planning - Indoors and Out: If you own a large dog or a big bird, you should consider this animal's space needs just as you would consider the space needs of another member of your family. Make sure your most-used living spaces (kitchen, family room, bedrooms) can accommodate your large animal. And regardless of whether your pets are big or small, find ways to integrate your animals’ needs into your daily life by ensuring that pet beds, cages, fish tanks and crawling trees blend with the flow and style of your home. Depending on your style, you might find something appealing at or Try the Lotus Cat Tree or the wicker litter box from or

If your animal enjoys the great outdoors, you may want to consider a pet door for easy access in and out. Make sure your yard offers a cool, shady spot for those occasional (and much needed) cat, rabbit and dog naps and keep it enclosed to keep your special family members safe from traffic and other hazards, including wildlife that may prey on them. An outdoor bird aviary is perfect for milder climates and adds a touch of elegance to your garden.

A Room with a View: Lucky for us humans, many of our pets’ special homes serve as more than just a place for them to hang their hats, so to speak, and can actually accentuate the aesthetics of our homes. The light, color and movement of a beautiful glass tank filled with azure water can reflect surrounding room light and highlight the bright colors of the exotic tropical fish that zip and zag about inside it. The rustic charm of an antique rabbit hutch might be the perfect anchor for a terrace or porch corner. A whimsical bird cage hanging gracefully from the ceiling can add vertical visual interest to a room. As evidenced by the items available through some of the websites listed above, the choices for stylish pet homes have exploded in recent years, so you no longer have to limit your choices to cheap plastic tubes in gaudy colors but can actually choose pet homes that enhance your existing decor.

So as you make plans to redesign or redecorate your home, remember all the warmth and comfort your pets bring to your life and make a commitment to find ways to make them warm and comfortable, too.


6 Basic Dog Training Tips By Jeffery Rush

Jeffery Rush

How you go about basic dog training depends on several things. You want to take into consideration what kind of dog it is, what dog behavior training you are trying to accomplish, and how old the dog is. But it is important to note that it is never too late to teach a dog a new trick. Here are 6 basic dog training tips to keep in mind.

1) Positive

The key thing to remember is that this is a fun process to teach your dog something new. Therefore, make sure to constantly offer positive affirmations in the form of verbal praise and treats. Whenever the dog does something correctly make sure they know it.

2) Patience

It can be difficult being patient but it is a process that is not going to happen in one session. You have to be willing to give it time and over a period of training sessions your dog will learn. Your dog will pick up on your emotions so hide those feelings of anxiety and anger and keep it positive.

3) Consistency

Consistency is vital with dog behavior training. Training your dog one day and then skipping a few will not get the job done. The more consistent you are the quicker your dog will pick up the trick you are teaching. However, it is not a bad thing to take one day off here and there to give them a break.

4) Short and sweet

The last thing you or your dog wants is a two hour training session each day. Around fifteen minutes is the perfect time for dogs to learn simple commands. Always make sure to stick with one command or trick per session and do not overlap the tricks within each fifteen minutes. And remember, praise is essential when your dog does something correctly.

5) No distractions

To get the most out of your basic dog training, try to pick a spot that eliminates any kinds of distractions. While this may be difficult to find, try to pick a quiet spot free of people or other dogs. Going in the backyard or an inside room typically are the best locations.

6) Above All Else - FUN! FUN! FUN!

Although this is quite repetitive, it is essential that you keep each session fun and lighthearted. Your dog will feed off of your emotions and if you are having a good time they will enjoy it as well. If your dog makes a mistake, you can be firm but friendly at the same time. And after each fifteen minute session, play with your dog for a while.

Over time you will begin to build an even greater bond with your dog as you both learn to trust in each other through these lessons. This will help you on the path to a long and loving relationship with your best friend. It will also provide the foundations for a well mannered and behaved dog who will be a joy to have around the family, and in the company of others.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Expensive Branded Gourmet Cat Food - Are They Any Better Than Common Cat Food? By Moses Wright

Moses Wright

Recently, there has been a surging increase in the production of premium cat foods that looks and taste much more lavish than the basic cat food brands in the market. Commonly known as gourmet cat food, their sales are ever increasing in the ever demanding pet industry.

One of the main reasons for the increase in demand is the need for cat food that is closer to a home prepared quality. As current research support the fact that inferior cat food ingredients are detrimental to a cat’s health and are mainly responsible for many feline illnesses that have become much more common over the last few decades, customers are looking for healthier alternative to the traditional cat food diet with more prominence on wholesome ingredients.

With the increase in cat obesity, the other benefits of gourmet cat food is that they usually come pack in smaller packages and therefore less likely to overfeed your cat and become overweight. Owners looking for dietary management as well as convenience would find these smaller packages attractive in both their design and their suitability in helping to control their cat food intake.

One of the more popular brands of gourmet cat food is Purina, they offer a variety of pet food including brands like Fancy Feast cat food and Gourmet Gold that offers both restaurant quality and a wide variety of choices. Purina dm Cat Food is also manufactured by Purina and is targeted at cats with diabetes.

The obvious benefits to these pet food companies is the higher price tag put onto these luxury cat food. Putting more care in the manufacturing, design and presentation means that each pack of cat food can fetch a higher profit. On the other hand, cat owners are willing to part with more money, knowing that they are getting higher quality cat food.

Currently there seems to be an implied understanding among cat owners that the higher the price of the cat food, the better the quality, and the more you care about your cats health. While this belief is generally not wrong, it is not totally right, as a healthy balance diet need not necessary consist of gourmet cat food. With the correct mix, common brands of cat food with a good mix of home prepared food can still create a healthy and balance cat diet.

It is advisable to seek your veterinary opinion if you have any concerns about your cat diet. Your veterinary knowing the condition of your cat would be able to recommend or even prescribe a suitable diet for your cat, be it commercial, homemade or mixture of both.


Monday, October 19, 2009

Electric Dog Fence: Your Aid in Letting Your Dog Know His Boundaries By Jem Jamey

Jem Jamey

There are a number of things that you can do so that you can let your dog know his boundaries, especially if it concerns protecting your landscaped grounds. One of these things is setting up an electric dog fence around the areas that you want to protect like your fishpond, swimming pool, garden, driveway, and flowerbeds. Furthermore, because this electric dog fence does not allow your dog to stray beyond its borders, you can also make sure that no harm can come to your neighbor’s properties as well.

Now, although an invisible electric fence was originally designed as a portable fence system for those families who loves to travel and go camping, it is now one of the most favorite fencing systems of just about any family that loves dogs as much as their beautiful surroundings. This is because of the advantages it brings to everyone using it which is hassle free, you can keep you dog waya with out any trouble with the Fence!

Training Your Dog with the Fence

If you really want your dog to know his place not only in your home but also on your grounds, then putting up an electric dog fence is the best way to train him. This is because there is a type of electric dog fence that comes with a radio collar that you could attach on your dog. The collar works by sending a mild corrective static to your dog once he steps beyond the boundaries. As your dog will associate this corrective static with the areas of your grounds where you have set up the wires of your fence system, then in time he will never venture near these areas anymore, with or without the radio collar.

It is best if you will set up your electric dog fence around the entire expanse of your grounds. It is also good to put the fence around the areas that you want protected from the digging forays of your dog.

Advantages of Using the Fence

Although your primary aim in getting an electric dog fence may have been protecting your property from damage and letting your dog know his boundaries, there are other advantages to this as well. One of these is their functionality when it comes to not taking up space on your property. Because the fence comes with special wires that you must bury around the areas of your property that you want to be protected, then you won’t need to have ugly-looking fences marring the beauty of your landscape. With an electric dog fence installed around your property, you will be letting the natural growth of trees and shrubs do its work of fencing the grounds where your house stands.

So if you are planning to get an electric dog fence for your grounds, then look into the offerings available on Pet Depot Online. Here, you will be able to choose from the veritable selection that they have when it comes to invisible electric fences. The great thing about them is that they come with reasonable prices as well.
